At a full Council meeting last night (15 May 2024), unanimous approval was given to adopt the new six-year Council Plan to help shape Tewkesbury Borough’s future.
The ambitious plan sets out the council’s priorities and future ambition for the borough and follows a consultation earlier in the year. 90% of respondents agreed with the Council Plan’s proposed vision ‘supporting people, strengthening communities’.
This new vision sits at the heart of the Council Plan and underpins three priorities areas: caring for people, caring for the environment and caring for place.
Framing these areas, the plan identifies deliverable actions from eight focus areas:
- Climate and ecological emergency
- Flood resilience
- Young people
- Economy
- Managing growth
- Housing and Homelessness
- Health and Wellbeing
- Place
Cllr Richard Stanley Leader of Tewkesbury Borough Council, said: ‘’I’m delighted that our Council Plan has been approved. Following our consultation earlier this year, I was pleased that 90% of respondents felt that our proposed vision, ‘supporting people and strengthening our communities’ is the correct ambition for our borough’s future.
‘’As a living document our Council Plan has clear deliverable actions and will be able to evolve to meet the economic and financial challenges ahead.’’
Alistair Cunningham OBE, Chief Executive for Tewkesbury Borough Council, said: ‘Our new Council Plan outlines our strategic priorities and introduces eight focus areas, each accompanied by targeted actions. The launch of this new plan coincides with a fundamental review of how we deliver our services, to ensure we are effective within the reduced financial circumstances we face. We will use local insights and feedback to support us to make good decisions that benefit our communities and help to provide targeted support to those who need it, particularly our most vulnerable residents.’’
To find out more about the consultation feedback and new Council Plan, visit: